Kelly Summersett / Life, Health, and Happiness Coach


Kelly Summersett


Life, Health, and Happiness Coach

College/University Attended

Eastern Michigan University

What is your favorite aspect of being a leader?

The positive and lasting impact I get to have. Making a difference is where it’s at!

What advice do you have for women aspiring to be leaders in their field?

Do it your way! Lead in a way that feels true to you no matter if it may be different from “the crowd”. when you show up 100% authentic and genuine, you shine brightest and that’s when your impact is most powerful.

Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life?

I hired a powerful coach from Alaska for six months a couple years ago and she was as fierce and unstoppable as a wild bear. I loved how passionate and real she was and she helped me see that being authentic and living full-on is really the only way to show up to live this one extraordinary life we’ve been given.

Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale, Wayne Dyer, and Louise Hay are some of my top mindset mentors. They made it their life’s work to understand, practice, and teach that it’s our thoughts that move us ahead or keep us stalled out and we absolutely have the power to change our course by changing the way we think.

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing female leaders today?

Themselves. Women are their own worst enemies and when they learn to get out of their own way (by letting go of outdated and limited mindsets) they take off!

Approximately how many years have you been involved with CWLI and in what committees do you participate?  

One year and my contribution is the Power of Happy Series I developed. The women are getting to the root of what has been keeping them from their next levels of happiness and learning and practicing powerful tools that are changing that for good!

What initiatives are you excited to tackle with CWLI?

Continuing to lead meaningful and impactful workshops and discussions that help women connect with themselves and each other on deeper levels.

What changes do you hope to see in the organization as it grows?

CWLI is a great organization and Marlena and Holly do great work keeping the programming interesting, relevant, and meaningful. Two thumbs up for them listening to and implementing member feedback.

What strides do you think members can take to make more of a difference in women’s leadership issues in the local community?

Self development is always my first recommendation for women wanting to make more of  a difference with anything/anyone else. Women are filled with opportunities to plug themselves into local leadership issues but if they’re not plugging into themselves first, they’re diluting their power to be effective change agents. Great leaders take great care of themselves first.

I see too many women saying yes to too many things. Know who you are and what you’re most passionate about and be as comfortable and confident saying no as you are at saying yes.

How would you best describe the benefit found in joining this organization?

CWLI really connects women in a deeper sense of the word and that is the best gift a woman can receive – deep connections with other women. Love it!

Want to get to know Kelly? Read her feature here.